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Author: Craig Mullins
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2 min read


They both are similar to UNION in the way in which they work and are coded. But there a differences, this blog explores the differences.

Craig Mullins | February 9, 2017

4 min read

Sorting Out a Solution in DB2

Often you can conjure up an answer by properly understanding the problem and applying some creative SQL.

Craig Mullins | January 26, 2017

4 min read

What Does a DBA Do? 22 DBA Responsibilities You Should Know About: Part II

Not everybody knows what a DBA does. This 2-part post goes over DBA job responsibilities so you can see the depth and breadth of their day-to-day tasks.

Craig Mullins | December 1, 2016

4 min read

DB2 Performance Monitoring Overview

In today’s blog entry we will discuss the basics monitoring and DB2 performance monitors.

Craig Mullins | November 17, 2016

6 min read

What Does a DBA Do? 22 DBA Responsibilities You Should Know About: Part I

Not everybody knows what a Database Administrator does. Learn here what DBA job responsibilities are so you can see the depth and breadth of their tasks.

Craig Mullins | November 3, 2016

2 min read

An Overview of Today’s Leading DBMS Platforms

This post includes a series of 14 links, each one taking you to the TechTarget web site for a different DBMS product overview.

Craig Mullins | October 27, 2016

6 min read

How Many DBAs?

One of the more troubling issues when staffing a DBA group is deciding the optimal number of DBAs you need. Read this post for tips on that magic number.

Craig Mullins | October 20, 2016

7 min read

DBA as a Management Discipline

Sometimes the only source of database management and development knowledge within the organization is the DBA.

Craig Mullins | October 13, 2016

4 min read

The Importance of Database Design Reviews

Design reviews are an important facet of the system development lifecycle for database applications. Find out why in our newest blog post.

Craig Mullins | September 29, 2016

3 min read

DBA Roles & Responsibilities: Constantly Changing

What is the challenge and ongoing affect of the continual redefinition of a DBAs job roles and responsibilities. Find out in Craig Mullin’s blog post.

Craig Mullins | September 27, 2016

3 min read

Business Eye for the DBA Guy

To keep the business “top of mind,” the DBA’s tools and utilities need to be tied to business strategies and initiatives. Read more here.

Craig Mullins | September 22, 2016

4 min read

Data Modeling Concepts Every DBA Should Know

The goal of a data model is to record the data requirements of a business process and the scope of the data model must be comprehensive.

Craig Mullins | September 20, 2016

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