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Author: Craig Mullins
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3 min read

How and When to Use DB2 Scrollable Cursors

If you are using DB2 V7 or higher, consider using scrollable cursors. With scrollable cursors, you can move directly to the rows you want without having to FETCH every other row returned by the cursor.

Craig Mullins | May 19, 2015

11 min read

Using Nulls in DB2

Nulls are clearly one of the most misunderstood features of DB2. Here are some examples, tips & guidelines from Craig Mullins to demystify the use of nulls.

Craig Mullins | April 6, 2015

4 min read


DSNTEP2 is an application program that can be used to issue DB2 dynamic SQL statements.

Craig Mullins | February 19, 2015

2 min read

VSAM Demystified

VSAM is used “under the covers” of every DB2 for z/OS page set. VSAM is also used as the storage mechanism by some IMS databases.

Craig Mullins | February 2, 2015

3 min read

Minimizing Lock Contention Issues

I frequently get e-mails with DB2 questions and I plan to start posting answers to some of the more common ones up here.

Craig Mullins | December 30, 2014

8 min read

No Black Boxes!

First of all, before I go any further, let’s first define what I mean by a “black box.” If I plan to recommend that you prohibit them we better both understand what it is we are talking about prescribing.

Craig Mullins | December 23, 2014

7 min read

DB2 Compression: z/OS versus LUW

Data compression for non-mainframe DB2 is quite a bit different than it is for DB2 for z/OS.

Craig Mullins | December 16, 2014

4 min read

The Aging Mainframer

A continuing, lingering perception that the mainframe is dead continues on in some parts of the IT industry.

Craig Mullins | December 4, 2014

3 min read

Webinar: Building a Performance Centric Organization

Database performance problems are not caused by magic. Indeed, all performance problems are always caused by change.

Craig Mullins | November 11, 2013
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