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Author: Mike Hamrick
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2 min read

InnoDB tablespace fragmentation (find it and fix it!)

If you frequently delete rows (or update rows with variable-length data types), you can end up with a lot of wasted space in your data file(s), similar to filesystem fragmentation.

Mike Hamrick | October 22, 2010

3 min read

Recovering a Schema From InnoDB .frm Files

Sometimes you find yourself in a bad situation where your only hope of recovering your InnoDB data lies in a handful of .frm and .ibd data files that were heretofore part of a working MySQL installation.

Mike Hamrick | April 29, 2010

4 min read

Using Checksums to Ensure Table Consistency in MySQL

If you’re using MySQL replication, chances are your master and slave databases aren’t entirely consistent. There are a number of reasons for this. Some MySQL functions like UUID() don’t replicate properly with statement-based replication.

Mike Hamrick | January 26, 2009

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