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Author: Sambit Ghosh
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4 min read

KubeCon / CloudNativeCon NA 2023 Event Recap

Discover the highlights of KubeCon/CloudNativeCon NA 2023, from the top-notch generative AI discussions to the exciting KubeCrawl + CloudNativeFest.

Sambit Ghosh | December 21, 2023

5 min read

AWS Summit Toronto 2023 Event Recap

Explore highlights of AWS Summit Toronto 2023, uncovering cloud computing advancements and industry insights for your digital transformation journey.

Sambit Ghosh | June 22, 2023

7 min read

The Future of Java

Some have said that Java is dead or dying. But, there are many indications that Java isn’t going away any time soon. Learn more.

Sambit Ghosh | November 8, 2022

7 min read

Is Java Still Popular with Software Developers?

What are software developers doing with Java today? There’s a relatively long list! Learn more.

Sambit Ghosh | November 3, 2022

8 min read

Healthcare Tech Evolves to Meet Demand

Today’s medical services providers continue to struggle with legacy technology and how that impacts patient care. Learn more.

Sambit Ghosh | October 27, 2022

8 min read

Healthcare, Interoperability, and HL7®

The HL7® standards span records generated by healthcare professionals and their patients as well as by records shared between healthcare professionals. Learn more.

Sambit Ghosh | October 11, 2022

7 min read

AppDev vs. DevOps: What’s the Difference?

Overview of the difference between the function of developing an application, or appdev, and the function of managing its operations, or DevOps, and their importance.

Sambit Ghosh | September 1, 2022

8 min read

When DevOps Goes Bad

Real-life examples when companies overlooked the importance of DevOps in their software and application development initiatives, and the consequences.

Sambit Ghosh | August 25, 2022

7 min read

Grow Faster: Outsource Your AppDev and ADM Services

COVID19 & Digital Transformation has left organizations behind in their application initiatives. But companies can outsource their appdev needs to the right partner who can provide services that are scalable, customizable & fit individual budgets.

Sambit Ghosh | August 18, 2022

8 min read

Don’t Try This at Home: Leave ADM to the Professionals

Legacy applications that are outdated are not just providing bad UX for employees & customers-they are security liabilities that cause huge risks to companies. That’s why good Sprint Teams are intrinsic for every organization’s appdev initiatives.

Sambit Ghosh | August 16, 2022

7 min read

5 Key Drivers of App Modernization Projects

No matter an organization’s industry or level of technical sophistication, modernizing legacy applications can provide advantages.

Sambit Ghosh | April 20, 2022

7 min read

6 Crucial Issues for Legacy .NET App Modernization

Here are some things to consider before beginning a modernization project for your legacy .NET applications.

Sambit Ghosh | April 6, 2022

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