Art of BI: OBI12c Basic Paths and Commands
Author: Bill Anderson | 3 min read | October 5, 2017
Based on some work we’ve been doing with our clients recently, we thought it would be helpful to write up Linux-based references to some (not all) common file paths that have changed between OBI11g and OBI12c and the basic new commands (Start/Stop/Status, RPD, Service Instance Backup) of Oracle BI 12c. Feel free to save this as a reference document for future Oracle BI 12c activities.
Some of the Basic Oracle BI 12c File Locations and Commands:
**Note these are based on a single application server environment not at scaled out environment.
Web Catalog:
Start/Stop/Status Scripts:
/ORACLE_HOME /user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin ./ ./
With the above 2 commands, you can specifically start/ stop different services by utilizing the –i (lower case i) placing it directly after the cmd and then specifying the services you wish to start/stop
./ –i obis1,obisch1,obijh1,obiccs1,obips1 ./ –i AdminServer,bi_server1,obis1,obips1 ./
Download/Upload RPD:
/ORACLE_HOME /user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin
./ downloadrpd -O /Directory/To/Save/OBI12c.rpd -SI ssi -U weblogic -P password
./ uploadrpd -I /Directory/Of/Saved/OBI12c.rpd -SI ssi -U weblogic -P password
Common Log Files:
/ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bi/servers /AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log /AdminServer/logs/AdminServer-diagnostic.log /AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.out /bi_server1/logs/bi_server1.log /bi_server1/logs/bi_server1-diagnostic.log /bi_server1/logs/bi_server1.out /OBIS1/logs/obis1-query.log /OBIS1/logs/obis1-diagnostic.log /OBIS1/logs/obis1.out /OBIPS1/logs/sawlog#.log /OBIPS1/logs/obips1.out
Common Configuration Files:
/ORACLE_HOME /user_projects/domains/bi/config/fmwconfig
Some Examples:
/biconfig/OBIPS/instanceconfig.xml /biconfig/OBIS/NQSConfig.ini /bienv/core/tnsnames.ora /bienv/core/odbc.ini /bienv/core/bi-environment.xml
WebLogic Scripting tool:
Export/Import Service Instance: (aka Service Instance Backup/Restore or Service Instance Migration)
Backup Instance:
exportServiceInstance('Domian_Home','ssi','Work_Directory','Export_Directory','','','',Catalog_Runtime_Info,'Include _Credentials')
exportServiceInstance('/app/oracle/biee/user_projects/domains/bi','ssi','/app/oracle/workDir','/app/oracle /exportDir','','','',true,'Password1')
Restore Backup of Instance:
Was this helpful? What other reference-able material would you like to have? Let us know in the comments.