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Business Outcomes of PostgreSQL Cost Optimization

Author: Shailesh Rangani | 4 min read | February 14, 2024

As an IT leader, balancing costs and delivering value is one of your most pressing concerns. With databases representing a substantial portion of the IT budget, getting the most from investments in this area is critical. PostgreSQL has emerged as a leading open-source database option, offering robust enterprise capabilities at a fraction of the cost of proprietary databases. However, uncontrolled spending can still occur, reducing potential returns.

With the right optimization strategies, you can maximize PostgreSQL’s value while controlling costs. Here are 5 compelling business benefits you can realize:

Reduce Database Expenses

PostgreSQL’s open-source model helps lower licensing expenses. Automating administrative tasks reduces manual efforts. Right-sizing infrastructure instead of overprovisioning lowers capital costs. Effective vendor management and support models drive down services spending. Optimized operations decrease operational and personnel costs.

Boost PostgreSQL Performance

Tuning PostgreSQL’s memory allocation, parallelism, connection handling, connection pooling, query planning, isolation levels and indexes based on data and usage patterns improves throughput, lowering latency and optimizing hardware utilization. The result is snappier response for applications and users.

Increase Workload Scalability

With the PostgreSQL database, you can cost-efficiently scale workloads across multiple servers using capabilities like native table partitioning and sharding instead of large, expensive systems. Cloud-based managed services provide easy scaling. As you go through PostgreSQL optimization, this scalability becomes more affordable.

Minimize Database Downtime

High availability features like physical and logical replication, failover, and redundancy are included with PostgreSQL without added licensing fees. Optimizing these capabilities helps increase uptime and resilience without inflating costs.

Streamline Operations

Automating provisioning, patching, backups, failovers, and other repetitive tasks reduces manual efforts. Proactive performance monitoring and tuning smooths issues. This decreases fire-drills and frees up your team for innovation.

Achieving these outcomes requires a comprehensive approach covering PostgreSQL capabilities, infrastructure sizing, cloud services, automation, monitoring, and vendor management. With the optimal optimization strategy tailored to your environment, you can control costs while maximizing PostgreSQL’s value.

Read our white paper “PostgreSQL Cost Optimization: Addressing the Elephant in the Room” to learn proven best practices for controlling your PostgreSQL costs.

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