FUN with Oracle Standby Databases!
Author: Chad Cleveland | 3 min read | November 5, 2019
Today I’m going to show you how to migrate a 1.2TB database from an on-site data center to a hosted Colo facility, it’s an upgrade to Oracle 12.2.
Here’s what’s nifty about it!
We installed Oracle 11.2 and 12.2 on a new host and patched 12.2 to July PSU + OJVM. I used RMAN Active Duplicate to build a standby database. Then I let the standby database run for about a week. From there I cleaned up the primary database by fixing all issues via Oracle’s and Datavail’s pre-upgrade checks. Datavail is the KING of database migrations and upgrades.
The Nifty Continues: Round #1
- Set Restore point,
- Stopped Log Apply,
- Opened Database, allowed Apps to validate connectivity and basic app shakedown of New Hosts
- Flashed back database, reset Standby and recaptured logs
- Back to business
Round #2:
- Set new Restore point,
- Stopped Log Apply,
- Upgraded database to 12.2,
- Turned over to App Team to configure to new hosts and upgraded database
- Shake down, validation…etc.
Then I reset the database to 11.2 via Restore points and then back to business! I removed unnecessary Oracle database components in primary. Database was originally built with DBCA and everything installed and turned on. The removal of unused Components will speed up the Upgrade Process, reduces user issues, and can help to avoid license issues.
select substr(comp_id,1,15) comp_id,substr(comp_name,1,30) comp_name,substr(version,1,10) version,status from dba_registry;SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL>
APEX | Oracle Application Express | | INVALID –> not needed |
SDO | Spatial | | VALID –> Not used |
ORDIM | Oracle Multimedia | | VALID –> Not used |
XDB | Oracle XML Database | | VALID –> Need for 12.2 |
EXF | Oracle Expression Filter | | VALID –> Not used |
RUL | Oracle Rules Manager | | VALID –> Not used |
OWM | Oracle Workspace Manager | | VALID –> Not used |
CATALOG | Oracle Database Catalog Views | | VALID |
CATPROC | Oracle Database Packages and T | | VALID |
JAVAVM | JServer JAVA Virtual Machine | | VALID |
XML | Oracle XDK | | VALID |
CATJAVA | Oracle Database Java Packages | | VALID |
RAC | Oracle Real Application Cluster | | VALID |
Round #3
- Set new Restore point,
- Stopped Log Apply,
- Upgrade database to 12.2
- Turned over to app team to configure new hosts and upgraded database
- Shake down, validation…etc.
The Database upgrade time decreased by approximately 30 minutes. The app team reconfigured speed increased, app startup and testing to resume much faster.
Repeated Roll Back
Round #4
- Same steps completed, but this was Go Live.
- Completed Migration of both databases and applications in less than 90 Minutes.
- Downtime was acceptable and repeated testing allowed prevention of unknown issues and sped up tasks by DBA and app teams.
And boom: Satisfaction by Users A+! That’s what Datavail aims for. We’re always seeking the best ways to migrate databases and as professionals continue to look for unique ways to test and plan for all of your database needs.