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Harnessing Oracle’s ADW with a Dedicated DBA

Author: Steve Thompson | 4 min read | November 5, 2020

At only two years old, Oracle’s Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) continues to reward early adopters with faster deployments for far less money than they were paying before. This family of self-driving, -repairing, and -securing cloud services leverages automation and machine learning to speed processing, eliminate errors, and relieve human effort to focus on more critical tasks.

And far from reducing the need for a Database Administrator (DBA), the ADW provides tools and capacities that elevate the value of a dedicated DBA far beyond their traditional role.

Here are three reasons why Oracle’s ADW and your DBA are (or should be) your most valuable assets.

Comprehensive Connections

The work of an ADW DBA is similar to that of a CEO – they know every aspect of the database and its abilities just as a CEO knows every aspect of the corporation and its strategies. Drawing from this wealth of knowledge, DBAs can add color and depth to every organizational discussion, from security to performance to migrations and more.


Because so many traditional DBA functions are now automated, the DBA’s full skill base is released for higher, more valuable purposes.

  • They can collaborate with team members to get relevant data where it needs to be when it needs to be there. Traditional database management systems often required a unique team simply to build and maintain the complex information systems demanded by enterprise computing processes. With most of those functions automated, the DBA can help developers find and integrate the specific data materials needed for specific applications, and then structure their provisioning appropriately.
  • Using their over-arching comprehension of the range and depth of corporate data stores, today’s DBA can pull relevant information to facilitate data modeling options that solve problems based on actual enterprise information. Insights will not only help leadership make better decisions, but also see new configurations and opportunities that had previously been buried in company data coffers.
  • Their ability to analyze complex corporate concerns draws on a full understanding of the organization’s foundational information infrastructure. Compiling data from across the ADW and using cutting edge analytics tools, the DBA helps to reveal undiscovered patterns in the data that suggest possible trends and potential responses.


With its forward-thinking, all-inclusive automation, Oracle’s ADW offers its users confidence on several levels:

  • That their database will be optimized at – literally – all times. Patching gaffs and integrating new programming using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning ensures both legacy and new features will deploy and function correctly and on time, every time.
  • That their critical corporate information is safe and secure at all times. In many cases, human error accounts for data security failures; the ADW eliminates the human interventions that cause these breaches, so leaders can focus on how their organization is working, not on whether its assets are secured.
  • That their human assets are optimized as well. With a skilled DBA at the helm, DB users have the tools to understand more and deeper aspects of their information stores, facilitating a better understanding of corporate capacities and opportunities.

From a cost perspective, the ADW DBA also enhances corporate values. The role ensures that investment in data collection, management, and deployment strategies is maximized; why invest if you don’t gain all available benefits? The role also maximizes the value of the human DBA.

By eliminating their mundane data management and maintenance chores, your DBA is free to exploit and harness previously hidden assets and opportunities. Your investment in the DBA role enhances your investment in your ADW.

The Oracle ADW provides users with unparalleled data performance, facilitating elastic data management and enabling data deployment wherever and whenever it is needed. Harnessing the service with a dedicated ADW DBA ensures that your information infrastructure is optimized so your enterprise can utilize its maximum values. Contact us to learn more about how our Oracle experts can support your business goals.

Further Reading

DBAs Maximize Autonomous Database Investments
Download our paper to learn more about how DBAs go beyond just maintaining an operational database, how automation will improve digital performance and enhance the value of DBAs (not kill the DBA role) – to grow your organization’s market share.

Foundation Optimized: Oracle’s Cloud Infrastructure
Download our white paper to uncover how Oracle’s tech engineers built OCI with best practices and how it integrates services to meet organizations’ needs.

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