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How Oracle Apex Can Transform Your Enterprise App Development Cycle

Author: Rakesh Nagdev | 5 min read | July 2, 2020

Oracle APEX is a powerful and user-friendly low code platform that allows your organization to make enterprise applications quickly. The complexity of creating custom apps is brought down significantly, as the amount of code you need to create by hand is decreased by 98 percent.

You use drag and drop functions and simple wizards to add a wide range of components to your application. It only takes a few seconds to add features that might have taken hours or days with hand-coding. All of these components are ready out of the box for the production environment.

This platform natively supports web services integration and has deep integration with Oracle database technologies. You can use many types of REST endpoints to work with the data you need for your enterprise applications.

Oracle APEX is also included with your Oracle database license for free. You won’t have to pay anything to leverage this versatile platform, which eliminates per user and per application fees standard on other low code solutions.

Features that are included in Oracle APEX include:

  • Data entry
  • Forms
  • Calendars
  • Master detail
  • Faceted search
  • Interactive reports
  • Charts
  • Navigation menus
  • Interactive grids
  • Automatic data model processing
  • Dashboards
  • HTML5 compatible
  • Data visualizations
  • Modern user interfaces
  • Fully responsive
  • Mobile-friendly
  • More than 1,100 handmade icons
  • Powerful web application security
  • Highly accessible
  • Application monitoring
  • Translation
  • Localization

Oracle APEX Use Cases

The array of production-ready components in Oracle APEX makes it suitable for a wide range of use cases. Here are a few to consider.

Create Ad Hoc Applications

The business world moves quickly, and opportunities can come and go in no time. Traditional enterprise application development is too slow to take advantage of the current situation, but Oracle APEX improves business agility.

Test Prototypes Without Significant Investment

When your organization has an idea for an enterprise application, you can quickly create and test a prototype to determine its viability.

Empower Tech-Savvy Users

Your organization may have many tech-savvy workers that would benefit from being able to put together highly customized enterprise applications to support their work. These users can get what they need without taking up the development team’s time for most of the process.

Continually Improve Your Enterprise Applications Based on Current Feedback

As you get feedback from users on the Oracle APEX applications, you can add new features based on their requests and needs.

Augment Your Existing Systems

You likely have an ERP or similar solutions to manage many parts of your organization. If you’re missing functionality, you can use APEX to create apps to fill the gaps.

Who Should Use Oracle APEX?

APEX benefits a wide range of people in your organization. Some of the most obvious ones include your full-stack developers and database administrators. Other IT staff would also be able to pick up this low code platform quickly.

CIOs can leverage this powerful tool to gain more visibility into the applications and data being used throughout the organization. Using a standardized development platform allows for greater consistency and reduces opportunities for Shadow IT to appear.

Technically minded business users get a lot out of APEX, especially when it comes to creating highly specialized enterprise applications for their role. It can replace inefficient spreadsheets in many configurations.

APEX is one of the most powerful, flexible, and agile tools that Oracle has to offer. Whether you want to build a customized suite of applications to support your back-office needs or create a centralized reporting dashboard, APEX equips you with a low code method to make it happen.

Datavail is available to help you get the most value out of Oracle APEX. Our experienced team of more than 1,000 DBAs and specialists handle everything from deployment to ongoing maintenance. Contact us today to discuss your enterprise application development needs.

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