How to Stripe Your Backups into Multiple Files
Author: JP Chen | 7 min read | June 16, 2016
If you have experienced the frustration of waiting in high volumes of traffic in a one lane tunnel, then you know what it’s like to be bogged down with lots of backups in just one file. In this blog, we will explore how to stripe your backup files into four rather than one. We will first run the database backups using one file and then stripe them into four files. We will then compare the backup durations required to achieve optimal time-saving benefits.
The simplest way to run a database full backup is to execute the backup database command. As in:
BACKUP DATABASE DatabaseName TO DISK = 'X:\SQLBackups\DatabaseName.bak'
In the following example, we will run the database full backups for the AdventureWorks2012 and the AdventureWorksDW2012 databases with day and time appended to the backup files for ease of identification for archival and restore purposes.
-- Run the full backups for the selected databases with date and timestamp appended to the backup files -- **************************************************************************************************** -- Copyright © 2016 by JP Chen of DatAvail Corporation -- This script is free for non-commercial purposes with no warranties. -- **************************************************************************************************** DECLARE DBFullBackups_Cursor Cursor FOR -- Pick the databases you wish to run full backups SELECT FROM sys.databases db WHERE in ('AdventureWorks2012', 'AdventureWorksDW2012') -- Added [TEST DB] with space in the db name for testing purposes OPEN DBFullBackups_Cursor DECLARE @db varchar(125); DECLARE @BackupPath varchar(225); DECLARE @BackupCmd varchar(525); -- Check to make sure the path exists SET @BackupPath = 'E:\SQLBackup\' -- specify your own backup folder FETCH NEXT FROM DBFullBackups_Cursor INTO @db WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN -- Backup command SET @BackupCmd = 'BACKUP DATABASE [' +@db+ '] TO DISK = ''' +@BackupPath+@db+ '_' +REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-',''), ' ', '') --YYYYMMDDHHMMSS +'.bak''' -- Print the backup command PRINT @BackupCmd -- Run the backup command EXEC (@BackupCmd) -- Fetch the next database FETCH NEXT FROM DBFullBackups_Cursor INTO @db END -- Close and deallocate the cursor CLOSE DBFullBackups_Cursor DEALLOCATE DBFullBackups_Cursor GO
Script: FullBackupSingleFile.sql
You can stripe the database backup files into a set of disk files to speed up the backup process. For example:
BACKUP DATABASE DatabaseName TO DISK = 'W:\SQLBackups\DatabaseName_1.bak', DISK = 'X:\SQLBackups\DatabaseName_2.bak', DISK = 'Y:\SQLBackups\DatabaseName_3.bak', DISK = 'Z:\SQLBackups\DatabaseName_4.bak'
Notice the different drive letters; you can stripe the backup files into multiple drives. This will reduce disk contention and speed up the backup process.
In the following example, we will run the database full backups for the AdventureWorks2012 and the AdventureWorksDW2012 databases with day and time appended to the backup files and stripe the backups into four files for each database.
-- Stripe the full backup files for the selected databases with date and timestamp appended to the backup files -- ************************************************************************************************************ -- Copyright © 2016 by JP Chen of DatAvail Corporation -- This script is free for non-commercial purposes with no warranties. -- ************************************************************************************************************ DECLARE DBFullBackups_Cursor Cursor FOR -- Pick the databases you wish to run full backups SELECT FROM sys.databases db WHERE in ('AdventureWorks2012', 'AdventureWorksDW2012') OPEN DBFullBackups_Cursor DECLARE @db varchar(125); DECLARE @BackupPath varchar(225); DECLARE @BackupCmd varchar(525); -- Check to make sure the path exists SET @BackupPath = 'E:\SQLBackup\' -- specify your own backup folder FETCH NEXT FROM DBFullBackups_Cursor INTO @db WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN -- Backup command SET @BackupCmd = 'BACKUP DATABASE [' +@db+ '] TO DISK = ''' +@BackupPath+@db+ '_' +REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-',''), ' ', '') --YYYYMMDDHHMMSS +'_1.bak'', DISK = ''' +@BackupPath+@db+ '_' +REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-',''), ' ', '') --YYYYMMDDHHMMSS +'_2.bak'', DISK = ''' +@BackupPath+@db+ '_' +REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-',''), ' ', '') --YYYYMMDDHHMMSS +'_3.bak'', DISK = ''' +@BackupPath+@db+ '_' +REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-',''), ' ', '') --YYYYMMDDHHMMSS +'_4.bak'' ' -- Print the backup command PRINT @BackupCmd -- Run the backup command EXEC (@BackupCmd) -- Fetch the next database FETCH NEXT FROM DBFullBackups_Cursor INTO @db END -- Close and deallocate the cursor CLOSE DBFullBackups_Cursor DEALLOCATE DBFullBackups_Cursor GO
Script: FullBackupMultiFiles.sql
We will now query the backup histories to make comparisons of the durations for the single file backups and multi-file backups.
-- Querying the Backup Histories -- **************************************************************************** -- Copyright © 2016 by JP Chen of DatAvail Corporation -- This script is free for non-commercial purposes with no warranties. -- **************************************************************************** SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('SERVERNAME') as InstanceName , bs.database_name as DatabaseName , bs.recovery_model , CASE bs.type WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full' WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential' WHEN 'L' THEN 'Log' WHEN 'F' THEN 'File or Filegroup' END as BackupType , bmf.physical_device_name as BackupPath , bs.backup_start_date as BackupStartDate , bs.backup_finish_date as BackupFinishDate , CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(second, bs.backup_start_date, bs.backup_finish_date) * 1000,0), 108) [Backup Duration HH:MM:SS] -- use 114 instead of 108 if you wish to see milliseconds , CONVERT(NUMERIC (20,2), bs.backup_size/1024/1024) [Backup Size MB] FROM msdb.dbo.backupset bs JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf ON bs.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id WHERE bs.backup_finish_date >= GETDATE() - 3 -- backups in the past 3 days
Script: QueryingBackupHistories.sql
Screen-shot: Single vs Multi-file Backups
Backup duration comparisons:
Database Name | Backup Size MB | Single file Backup Duration | Multi-file Backup Duration |
AdventureWorks2012 | 2,060 | 00:00:08 | 00:00:05 |
AdventureWorksDB2012 | 1,037 | 00:00:05 | 00:00:03 |
Note that the examples here are for relatively small database backups. Both of them are less than 3,000MB. As backup sizes increase exponentially, the benefits in the shortened backup duration will be more apparent.
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