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Hyperion and SQL Server: Syncing Versions

Author: Dave Shay | 3 min read | May 24, 2018

Hyperion administrators and managers have three choices for storing valuable enterprise data: IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle database. Companies that choose SQL Server must decide which version of the software best meets their needs – Microsoft currently sells and supports SQL Server 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, and 2008.

With new SQL Server releases coming roughly every two years, Microsoft’s showing a clear commitment to supporting SQL Server now and in the future. Unfortunately, its support has limits and, recently, there are restrictions on SQL Server 2008 customers.

Four years ago, Microsoft announced that it would end its Mainstream support plan for SQL Server 2008. Since then, many SQL Server 2008 customers have continued to receive support through the Extended support plan, and they’ve paid a premium price for it.

Extended Support for SQL Server 2008 Is Ending

SQL Server 2008 may be celebrating its 10th birthday this year, but Microsoft plans to end the Extended support plan on which its customers rely. The company says it’s time for enterprises to upgrade to a newer, shinier, SQL Server version. Providing support for SQL Server 2008 may no longer be a profitable enterprise for Microsoft.

According to Microsoft, SQL Server 2008’s Extended Support plan disappears beginning on July 9, 2019.

SQL Server 2008 users don’t want to put their entire IT environment at risk, of course. An upgrade is in the cards if they want to avoid a ripple effect of ongoing problems. The newest Hyperion release,, is also the only version of Hyperion that officially supports newer SQL Server versions. For a quick glance at compatibility, take a look at our Hyperion Compatibility & Support Quick Reference Sheet .

You could upgrade SQL Server and forgo the recommended Hyperion upgrade, but Oracle support will also be limited for those who don’t upgrade. Many companies lean heavily on Oracle technical support to keep their system running smoothly. Without full access, they’ll only be able to download crucial patches and bug fixes.

Enterprises that remain attached to outdated legacy systems and applications like SQL Server 2008 will find their options dwindling. Even though the software has a history of stability and security, an upgrade to a newer version may be the smartest choice. To read more about the upcoming release of Hyperion 11.2, and compatibility concerns with SQL Server and Internet Explorer that will likely have you considering your upgrade sooner than later, read our latest white paper, The Clock is Ticking on Hyperion 11.2: Why You Need to Start Planning Now.

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