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QA as a Service and Testing as a Service are Your AppDev Team’s Secret Weapon

Author: Richard Schulz | 7 min read | January 11, 2022


It seems that you can get everything as a service these days, from your software to your databases.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that you can also get software QA and testing delivered in this format. Working with a QA and software testing service provider may very well be the secret weapon your AppDev team needs to speed up development, deploy better-performing applications, and reduce development costs.

The Benefits of QA as a Service and Testing as a Service 

QA as a Service and Testing as a Service are when you work with a third-party provider for part or all of your QA and testing needs. The benefits of these types of services include:

  • Leveraging the service provider’s automated systems and processes to streamline and speed up your testing, allowing your AppDev team to focus their resources elsewhere.
  • Improving the quality of your QA and testing procedures, thanks to the service provider’s experience working with many types of clients and industries and their tried-and-true processes.
  • Bringing testers onboard faster. The QA and testing team already has training through the service provider, so you can skip the basics and dive right into the specifics of your organization’s software and business requirements.
  • Getting flexible testing and QA assistance. You can bring in a QA and testing team on-demand, allowing you to reduce application development costs.

These benefits sit alongside the general advantages of a robust QA and testing approach in application development. Your organization becomes better able to launch reliable applications that offer a quality customer experience.

Throughout the development process, your team constantly checks the application against your specifications and ensures that it aligns with your goals. Since this process is consistent, you can lower risks and spend less time fixing unforeseen issues after launch.

QA and testing also boost your organization’s reputation. Customers, employees, and others will recognize you as a company that releases reliable software. Buggy applications can negatively impact many aspects of your business, from being unable to attract top talent to losing customers.

Employee productivity stays higher when team members don’t encounter endless loading screens, system crashes, lost work, and other problems that come with bug-filled applications. Your customer satisfaction also depends on having access to reliable systems that are friction-free. Downtime is an expensive prospect, especially when it’s unexpected. Properly tested applications have fewer situations where this could happen.

What Can a Testing as a Service Provider Do?

When you work with a partner offering QA as a Service and Testing as a Service, you can pick and choose from a long list of services, including:

  • Test planning: Get help planning out your tests to be more effective. Your tests can be more productive with the proper planning and have greater coverage, ensuring that you don’t miss anything important.
  • Test execution: Running QA and testing in-house can take up resources you may not have available. By working with a trusted service provider, you can access their technical expertise in executing a wide range of tests.
  • Centralized testing: If you are a larger organization with multiple development teams, you can use Testing as a Service to centralize and standardize your processes. Every development team will use the same test technology and methods, reducing QA and testing complexity, and keeping results consistent.
  • Test environment setup: You can get help setting up your test environments, allowing your team to focus on the tests themselves. You can avoid overloading your IT team with these requests and get perfectly configured infrastructure.
  • Test scheduling: Test schedules are a key part of a consistent, repeatable software testing process for your organization. Your service provider can create a schedule that uses best practices in testing, offers the ideal dates for each test, covers the responsibilities involved in that test, and creates a review process.
  • Test strategizing: Get expert help with creating your overall software testing strategy. Your service provider can go over what works best in your industry, your company size, and the software type you’re working with.
  • Test case development: Expand your test cases to have better coverage for your applications.
  • Test automation scripts development: Automated testing helps your organization make the most of your testing resources. You can get custom scripts based on your QA and testing requirements.

What to Look For in a QA and Testing Partner

QA and testing are critical components to thriving as a modern business, so you must carefully evaluate potential partners. Look for:

  • Proven experience across all aspects of QA and testing. Your service provider should have worked in many areas of QA and testing, especially those that relate to your organization’s size, industry, and application type.
  • SQL script development expertise.
  • Many testing professionals on-hand across multiple specialties, including data and back-end testers, performance engineers, automation engineers, security testers, and usability testers.
  • Manual and automated testing across many types of software tests.
  • Ample availability of your service provider. If your QA team partner lacks overlap with your typical business hours, then it slows down the entire process. Ideally, the service provider has global availability.

QA as a Service and Testing as a Service are incredible tools that empower your AppDev team and allow you to better allocate your internal technical resources. Download our white paper, Why QA & Software Testing is the Most Important Thing Your AppDev Team Can Do to learn more about the importance of QA and testing, and how to deliver applications that meet demanding modern requirements.

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