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Stabilize In-house Apps with Office 365 Managed Services

Author: Jason Wong | 5 min read | September 5, 2018

Most business owners would prefer that their proprietary app simply ran perfectly for the rest of time so they can maximize their investment in its development.

Unfortunately for most in-house apps, that perfect future is not the case. Instead, constant usage and experience with the app reveal gaps or lags in function or errors in processing capacities. Sometimes companies realize well after the fact that their new digitized tool doesn’t actually accomplish what they thought it would. Consequently, many companies seek a managed services provider to manage the development, deployment, and stabilization of their apps so that 1. They have a resource to turn to when things go awry, and 2. They don’t have to pull critical in-house IT resources off day-to-day operations to tend to a persnickety program.

Choosing an app management service provider

Some companies look for managed services to solve a specific problem, without contemplating how a full-service provider can help. IT experts suggest that managed services providers offer far more than a single solution to an immediate problem:

Consider the budget

Even the simplest app can be driven by immensely complex programming, and, in fact, most apps are deceptively simple in operation considering how complicated they were to build. Many enterprise-scaled apps are designed and produced by a team of (literally) hundreds of developers. These top software programming teams use their combined effort and imagination to devise each separate element into a single, apparently flawless functioning whole, and it may take an equally impressive team to maintain the app’s stability over time. Large organizations like Google or Microsoft can easily manage this investment in programming talent. Smaller organizations, however, save money while gaining the same goal when they entrust their app stabilization and support work to an established and dedicated services provider.

Consider the core competencies

The team concept noted above underscores this reality: app management frequently requires each team member to have a diverse skill set that differentiates from and compliments the skill sets of the others. Your enterprise may not be able to afford to find and hire all the talent bases it will need to manage your proprietary software, whereas a professional app management team offers the skills and talents needed regardless of the specificity of the app design and construction.

Consider the process

Your business runs all day, every day and your existing IT team members are constantly fine tuning and overseeing your existing technology. Any concern that takes their attention away from day-to-day operations can have a significant and negative impact on your bottom line. Your managed services provider keeps your in-house IT assets focused on their primary work – keeping your company running and your customers happy.

Why Datavail?

The IT professionals at Datavail have decades of experience in the app development and management sector, being certified Office 365 experts and drawing on the talents of over 1,000 data and development experts. Our service catalog for app development and maintenance services (ADM) includes 32 separate services in five distinct categories:


The application development sector offers ten services, including virtualization, migration strategies, and architecture solutions, among others.


The operations sector covers all the services needed to keep your app running smoothly:

  • The service desk is available all day every day and handles changes and problems, among other concerns;
  • Our application monitoring services include oversight of both on-prem and cloud-based performance;
  • The nine services included in our platform maintenance and support sector encompass administration and application security, auditing, and health checks, and
  • The application maintenance and support team oversees deployments, fixes, and enhancements.

Overlaying all our app development and maintenance skills is our equally deep experience with all things Office 365, including Dynamics CRM and SharePoint (both on-prem and online), JS/JavaScript, Azure IaaS and Paas, and MS SQL Stack. Let Datavail manage your apps so you can manage your business.

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