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The Top 6 Factors to Consider for an Oracle Hyperion EPM Cloud Migration

Author: David Silverstrim | 4 min read | March 8, 2021

The end of support (EOS) date for Oracle Hyperion EPM on-premises is scheduled to arrive at the end of this year in December 2021. Beyond this date, EPM 11.1 users will fall out of compliance, exposing themselves to security vulnerabilities and missing out on new features and functionality.


Current Hyperion EPM 11.1 customers have two options: upgrade to EPM 11.2 on-premises or migrate to the Oracle Hyperion EPM cloud. But which alternative is better for your own business needs and objectives? In this article, we’ll go over the 6 most important factors to consider with an Oracle EPM cloud migration so that you can make the choice that’s right for you.


  1. Business requirements

    How well does your current on-premises Hyperion deployment fit with your business requirements? Is the software meeting your expectations in terms of speed, availability, security, performance, reliability, and scalability? Would migrating to the cloud let you meet more of these requirements?

  2. Business risk

    What business risks do you face, either by staying on-premises or moving to the Oracle cloud? If you’re happy with your on-premises deployment, undergoing a cloud migration could seem like an unnecessary risk. On the other hand, the cloud also offers advantages such as data backups and better disaster recovery and business continuity, which can help lower the existential risk to your business.

  3. On-premises size and complexity

    If your on-premises IT environment is highly complex with a large footprint, migrating to the cloud is an excellent way to slim it down. However, this complexity will also likely make such a move more challenging—so you’ll need to carefully consider your choice of Oracle cloud migration partner.

  4. Legacy IT

    Do you rely on legacy IT applications and services in your Hyperion environment? Make sure that moving to the Oracle cloud will let you keep these integrations intact—or free you from the need to maintain them.

  5. Time, money, and effort required

    How much time, money, and effort can you devote to an Oracle cloud migration project? Will investing these resources now pay off in the long run? How does the investment required compare with an on-premises upgrade? Recall that Hyperion on-premises must be patched and upgraded regularly, and      migrating to the Oracle EPM cloud will free you from this obligation. New updates are rolled out smoothly, and Oracle is responsible for support and maintenance.

  6. Future plans

    How does a cloud migration, or an on-premises upgrade, fit with your business in the short and medium term? For one, Oracle has guaranteed that it will continue supporting Hyperion 11.2 on-premises through at least 2030, which gives you plenty of time to think over your next steps. On the other hand, Oracle has clearly become a cloud-first company, with new features and functionality rolled out to the cloud before they reach the on-premises equivalents.


From business risk to time and budget concerns, there are many factors to weigh when considering an Oracle EPM cloud migration. Make sure that you choose an Oracle cloud migration partner who can help with the technical aspects of the project and help with advice, roadmaps, and strategic planning for your organization.

As an Oracle Platinum Partner with 17 different specializations, Datavail is uniquely qualified to help advise companies on their next steps with Hyperion EPM. Looking for an Oracle managed services partner who can help you upgrade from your EPM 11.1 deployment? Check out our white paper “4 Ways Datavail Prepares Companies for EPM 11.1 EOS.”

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