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Unmatched Services Accompany Office 365 Productivity Tools

Author: Mo Anwar | 5 min read | October 4, 2018

You don’t need to know how a hammer is made to use one. And, while Microsoft’s Office 365 is far more complicated than a hammer, you don’t need to know how it was made to use it to accomplish all your corporate goals. You do, however, need to know someone who does know how to make Office 365 fly in your enterprise and that’s where Datavail’s managed IT services come in.

Why managed services for Office 365?

In a nutshell: because you have better things to do with your time. Unless your proprietary product or service involves deploying complex digital programming across multiple technologies, you probably have more productive things to do to keep your business running. Here’s why managing Office 365 in-house is not something most small or mid-sized businesses need to do:

  • It adds multiple new products to the foundational suite, all of which need to function as one, all-encompassing whole. Consequently, administrators can’t just patch together the multitude of programs like they’ve done with previous legacy systems. Instead, the upgrade will require a whole new set of skills and experience, which will take time to learn and be expensive to obtain.
  • The upgrade needs a whole new vision of existing IT configurations and systems to determine if they will make it into the future iterations. Balancing any on-prem or data center resources with Office 365’s cloud base will complicate the rollout of the new processing capacities.
  • Depending on what governance model you deploy, managing end-user services in O365 becomes more complicated because the suite is accessed through a single administrative web portal. Administrators may need extensive training to understand where and how to make changes as those become necessary. In addition, if least privilege rules are not followed, you inadvertently can provide unwanted access to administrators risking further issues.
  • A multitude of options on a number of services will also complicate the steep learning curve needed master the administration of Office 365. For security purposes, as an example, Office 365 offers Exchange Online Protection, and Advanced Security Management, and Advanced Threat Protection, each of which comes with a variety of options and all of which require significant comprehension to ensure an accurate and appropriate deployment that is in line with your Information Governance strategies.

Managed services free up Office 365 tools

By obtaining managed services for your Office 365 migration and deployment, you free up your corporate resources to use those tools without having to know how to keep them in good order. Your IT engineers can continue to manage operations to keep your business moving forward without having to manage all the nuances of each Office 365 product. In exchange, your organization will benefit from improved communications, more collaborating opportunities, deep Big Data dives and other consequences of applying Office 365 to your corporate computing capabilities.

Trust is built in

Most likely, you already use one or more Microsoft Office products to accomplish operational and production chores, and you probably didn’t need to understand how Word is programmed, for example, to use it to its best advantage. You don’t need to understand how all the elements of Office 365 works, either; you can simply trust that those who have taken on the task of managing Office 365 services will provide for you the same stellar services that you’ve always experienced from your Office products.

Why Datavail?

At Datavail, we have decades of experience with Office products in general, and deep, comprehensive training in Office 365 in particular. We can help you migrate your data and systems into the Office 365 suite of services, then manage them over time as your company requires. And, because Office 365 is in the cloud, it’s always compliant with the latest security and industry standards so you don’t have to worry about keeping up with those, either.

Microsoft envisioned Office 365 to be the most comprehensive suite of productivity tools on the market. We think that it has accomplished that goal and want to share with you how you can believe it, too.


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