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Using a Proxy with BITeamwork and OBIEE

Author: Christian Screen | 3 min read | May 13, 2014

As part of the configuration process of leveraging a Proxy Server or HTTP Server with OBIEE, one configures the context-root paths accessible for routing to the target application server used by Oracle BI. This logic will apply when using a proxy with BITeamwork and OBIEE as the integration of the BITeamwork application is deployed to the same application server when deployed to the on-premise OBIEE solution.

Therefore if your Oracle BI implementation uses a Proxy or HTTP server such as Tivoli Access Manager, and F5 Load Balancer, Oracle HTTP Server, MS IIS, etc. then you will also need to represent the BITeamwork context root path if you have selectively identified the other context root paths for the Oracle BI application.

For example, per the OBIEE HA EDG Oracle documentation ( when configuring the OHS server you will need to add the following routing information for the proxy to ensure proper OBIEE transport between the HTTP server and the application server.

[code language=”xml”]# BIEE Analytics

SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:9704, APPHOST2VHN1:9704
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON

SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:9704, APPHOST2VHN1:9704
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON

Therefore when implementing BITeamwork you will need to add the following configuration using the /bitw context-root as show below for Apache, Oracle HTTP, or other possible HTTP Servers:

[code language=”xml”]# BIEE Analytics – BITeamwork

SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:9704, APPHOST2VHN1:9704
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON

Once you’ve made the configuration to the appropriate httpd.conf (Apache) or mod_wl_ohs.conf (OHS) configuration file, then restart the HTTP Server and all should be working well to see the BITeamwork integration with your Oracle BI implementation.

In addition if you are using the caching or compression settings of the OHS or Apache HTTP servers you will need to clear the static file cache to allow an upgrades of BITeamwork’s files to be refreshed properly on your user’s browsers. To do this run the following commands as the root user (or owner of the OHS/Apache installations).

Run htcacheclean -D

Then run, htcacheclean -r

Then run, apachectl restart, to restart the server.

In addition, if there is a need to bypass any of the static cached files you can cheery pick these by updating the config file as described by this Oracle documentation (


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