Why Upgrading to Oracle EBS 12.2 Is Important for Your IT Security
Author: Mahesh Vanapalli | 4 min read | February 15, 2021
Cyberattacks come in many forms, and criminals are continually developing new ways to break into systems, breach data, and perform other disruptive operations. IT security teams do their best to stay one step ahead of bad actors, but their job becomes significantly more challenging when outdated software is present on the network.
Older versions of Oracle EBS can leave your organization open to newly discovered exploits, attacks powered by new technology, and other security concerns. Upgrading to Oracle EBS 12.2 is one of the most important things you can do to limit your organization’s security risk. The specific improvements that EBS 12.2 offers include extended support, up-to-date security patches, a streamlined online patching method, better regulatory compliance, and ongoing feature updates.
Get Covered by Support until 2030
Oracle offers EBS 12.2 Premier Support until 2023, so your organization has a few years before you would need to go through another upgrade. You also get prepared for an upgrade to the next version of EBS, 12.X, which will have a support lifespan that lasts until 2030, at a minimum. Not having to worry about upgrading more than twice in the next 10 years takes a lot of administrative overhead off your plate.
Up-to-Date Security Patches
When Oracle releases new security patches, you’ll be able to apply them quickly to fix known exploits and vulnerabilities. Being able to deploy these patches quickly makes you a less tempting target for hackers, since they don’t have an easy way to gain access to your network and systems. When you have an older EBS deployment that doesn’t receive security patches, it becomes increasingly risky to use.
Streamlined Patching Through Online Patching Feature
Another security advantage of EBS 12.2 is the online patching feature. If your organization has a hard time applying patches because of limited maintenance windows or difficulties with downtime, this capability solves many problems. EBS stays up during the patching process, so you don’t have to push back this essential IT security operation. The only downtime usually takes the same amount of time as restarting the system. You have full control over when the system goes down, and your users won’t be waiting hours post-patch.
Online patching accomplishes this through a five-step process. EBS prepares for the patch, applies it to the system, finalizes the patching process, cuts over to the newly patched system, and then goes through cleanup.
Remain Compliant with Changing Regulations
Many of today’s regulations touch upon data security, data privacy, and other IT security concerns. When you upgrade to the latest version of EBS, you have a system that is compliant with the latest requirements and can quickly adjust to any changes in the laws. You don’t need to use other software to achieve compliance or to put workarounds in place for your FDA, accounting, IFR216, and ASC842 measures.
Offers a Less Vulnerable Attack Surface
If cybercriminals have a hard time finding a viable attack surface in your infrastructure, then they may move on to softer targets. Companies of every size and industry are vulnerable to cyberattacks, so it’s important to use every measure available to thwart hackers.
Gain Access to Updated Security Features Through Continuous Innovation
The Continuous Innovation model for EBS allows you to enjoy an ever-increasing number of features for this technology. As new IT security practices get put in place, your system can adapt so that you have strong protection on an ongoing basis.
Cybersecurity is only going to get harder as new attack methods and hacking technology develop. A strong foundation for IT security requires that your software is kept up to date, so you need an upgrade to Oracle EBS 12.2 to make this possible.
If you need help making this upgrade a reality, contact Datavail to partner with certified Oracle specialists offering end-to-end planning, implementation, and support.