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Choices, Choices: Which Cloud and How Fast?

Examples of How and Why Companies are Choosing to Move Their Oracle Applications to the Cloud

Datavail Presentation

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, companies must remain agile and adapt to new technologies and strategies, as exemplified by the race to the cloud. Moving Oracle applications such as EBS, Peoplesoft, JD Edwards, and Hyperion to the cloud can be complex and challenging. Enterprises must decide which path to take, from a full-blown digital transformation to Oracle ERP and EPM Cloud, or a simple lift-and-shift to a public cloud such as OCI AWS or Azure, or a hybrid solution, it can feel like you’re wandering in the clouds yourself.

In today’s business environment, organizations must strategically evaluate and determine the optimal cloud migration approach for their Oracle applications. Companies that choose a well-suited path will be better positioned to enhance workflow efficacy, improve IT efficiency, and achieve long-term success in their cloud journey.” – Gartner

In this presentation, you’ll discover how companies are choosing and executing their Oracle applications’ cloud migration to drive business success.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand Cloud Migration Strategies: Learn different cloud migration paths for Oracle applications, including full digital transformation, lift-and-shift, and hybrid solutions.
  • Evaluate Cloud Providers: Assess leading cloud providers like OCI, AWS, and Azure for their compatibility with Oracle applications.
  • Analyze Business Impact: Gauge the benefits of cloud migration, such as increased workflow efficacy, improved IT efficiency, and cost savings.
  • Identify Customization Minimization Strategies: Discover ways to minimize reliance on customizations during cloud migration.
  • Plan Cloud Roadmap and Governance Framework: Develop customized migration plans aligned with organizational goals and develop governance measures for your cloud environment.
  • Leverage Real-World Examples: Gain insights from successful Oracle cloud migration case studies.

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