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Preventing and Addressing DBA Burnout

Datavail White Paper

A staggering 42% of the global workforce struggles with burnout.

For database administrators (DBAs) dealing with heavy workloads, constant on-call demands, and the critical nature of their roles, the risk is even higher. DBAs operate under immense pressure, putting them at high risk of burnout. Don’t let this insidious problem undermine your team’s well-being and productivity.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn about strategies for preventing and addressing DBA burnout as a DBA manager or DBA director. Topics include:

  • Causes of DBA burnout like heavy workloads, constant firefighting, and lack of recognition
  • The 5 phases of burnout and how to recognize the warning signs
  • Best practices for preventing burnout
  • Steps to address existing burnout
  • Contingency planning for if a burned-out DBA leaves the team

Don’t let this preventable problem harm the well-being of your team, erode your database operations, and put critical data at risk. Fill out the form on this page to get ahead of potential DBA burnout.

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