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Why Your PostgreSQL Databases Should Live on Amazon Aurora

Datavail White Paper

PostgreSQL is an exceptionally popular and reliable open-source database technology.

It’s frequently used to support enterprise-grade workloads and other commercial database use cases. Its flexibility is hard to beat, as you can use it for SQL and NoSQL workloads, it has many extensions, and its availability makes it a compelling choice for many applications. However, on-premises PostgreSQL deployments make it difficult to harness the true potential of these databases, so a move to the cloud is an important part of maximizing your investment.

Why Should You Move PostgreSQL Databases to the Cloud?

Shifting your on-premises PostgreSQL to the cloud is a significant undertaking, with the potential for disruptive downtime, a need for the right technical resource allocation, and a possibly lengthy time commitment. A cloud platform that supports PostgreSQL databases can deliver many benefits including more flexibility, greater capacity, improved security, automation and more.

Download our white paper to uncover why your PostgreSQL databases should live on Amazon Aurora and uncover:

  • 15 compelling benefits to migrate to Amazon Aurora
  • What organizations need to know before starting a PostgreSQL migration to Amazon Aurora.
  • Best practices for a PostgreSQL migration to Amazon Aurora.
  • Use case scenarios for moving PostgreSQL to Amazon Aurora.

Let Datavail Set Your Organization Up for Success with Amazon Aurora

Moving PostgreSQL databases to Amazon Aurora requires a thorough understanding of your current on-premises databases, your application requirements, your database migration goals, and your technical resources.

As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, our Amazon Aurora experts can help guide you on a PostgreSQL migration to Amazon Aurora – start to finish. Plus – we can help post migration with modernization, monitoring performance and more.

Fill the form to the right to download our paper and learn more about our Amazon Aurora capabilities.

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