Streamline Business and IT tasks across the organization
Streamline manual tasks to happen with the precision and timing that you choose. Remediate issues raised by alerts automatically.
Streamline manual tasks to happen with the precision and timing that you choose.
- Create and automate flows of tasks from any product within Hyperion or outside Hyperion for complete versatility.
- Execute Automation Flows as scheduled, ad-hoc or as the result of an alert. An entire set of tasks can be targeted to execute on a specified server or tasks can be targeted individually for control over how the APM platform is leveraged. Special control tasks can be inserted to continue based on certain conditions being satisfied.
- Chain tasks together to form flows that can run across servers in sequence.
A Fortune 500 client had a manual process to consolidate 6 years of data in HFM. The process took 40 person hours to complete because each period needed to be unlocked, consolidated and locked. This process was automated to a single flow that can now be completed efficiently in a single click.

Business and IT processes need to be executed consistently and accurately. Many of these tasks can be extremely mundane and repetitive multi-step processes that are prone to human error. For years IT organizations and consultants have struggled to build out libraries of scripts and batch files to gain consistency and focus expensive resources on more value added tasks. However when patches and upgrades of applications are rolled out many of these scripts need to be maintained and updated.
Datavail’s Application Performance Management platform, developed by Hyperion experts at Accelatis, allows IT organizations to build graphical task flows to automate common or repetitive tasks. Execute flawlessly and consistently on standard tasks. Upgrade with confidence knowing that changes to APIs and interfaces are maintained at the code level and not by your IT staff. Reduce regression testing of automations knowing that Datavail has done the work for you.
Alerts to KPIs and SLAs can help you stay on top of developing situations that can quickly become major issues. Speed the remediation of issues by automating responses to common problems. Whether the answer is an intervention on the infrastructure side or the application side, seamlessly move from alert to automation to resolution in a single step.
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